Saturday, December 24, 2011

Letter 3: Lost and found

My Dear Cynthia,

I believe my arrival here was a blessing in disguise.  I still do not know where I am or which way is home but I have discovered some very interesting things about this land.  The cave I discovered earlier led to a network of underground caverns.  As I carefully explored the depths of these dank grottos, I fashioned some torches using the coal I found in the rocks.  As I went deeper, I came across a few creatures but this time I was ready with a stone sword.  They are not as much of a threat as long as I can isolate and fight them one at a time.  I noticed one of the rocks was different than the others, as I looked closer I noticed several chunks of metal in the rock.  Using my stone pick-axe I was able to gather several pieces of what seemed to be iron which I could use to create better equipment.

I decided I had had enough for one day and decided to make my way home.  Unfortunately, I couldn't recall which way to go.  As I wandered through the cavern trying to find my way back, I heard the all too familiar hopping sound and froze.  I turned around and saw one of the exploding creatures standing next to me and my world went white.  I awoke in the middle of a crater created by the explosion.  Injured and exhausted, I managed to find my way out of this place and returned home to heal my wounds. 

The next day, I decided not to go back to the cave just yet.  I spent the day crafting an iron sword and pick-axe out of the metal I had found in the caves.  This time I vowed to be better prepared.  Once I deemed myself ready I decided to venture east into the forest.  I was confident that I can find my way back by searching the sky for my tower.  As I walked through the forest, cutting my way through vines and hunting pigs and chickens I realized it was almost sundown.  I looked to the sky in all directions but there was no sign of my tower.  Frantic and distraught, I decided I needed a higher vantage point and climbed up the highest hill.  I stood on the edge of a cliff and searched once more but I saw no recognizable landmarks.  If only I had paid more attention to where I was going, if only I had been more careful.  Just as I had resigned to my situation and thought it couldn't get worse, I slipped and plummeted to the ground below.  There was no surviving it this time, I thought.. I was doomed for sure. 

And then I awoke in my home.  I was flabbergasted and I still am.  I was sure I had died and yet here I was back home but empty-handed.  I didn't care anymore if it was night or day, I had to get back to where I was to see what had happened.  I dodged explosions and fled from giant spiders as I made my way into the forest.  I tried my best to retrace my steps from before and searched for the hill I had climbed.  As the sun came up I finally found it.  There was no body but all of my belongings were scattered across the ground as proof that I had not dreamed the incident.  I am at a loss for an explanation, but I could not stand there much longer for one of the exploding creatures stood right on top of my belongings.  He had not noticed me yet but I decided it was worth the risk to try and draw him away and attempt to recover my things.

Unfortunately, I miscalculated and as soon as I stepped closer he jumped at me and I once again awoke in my home.  There was no doubting it this time, this seems to be what happens when one dies in this place.  But I had no time to ponder the meaning of this, I decided to try one more time to recover my items, it was much easier to find the area in the daylight.  Thankfully, there were no more creatures and I picked up my weapons and equipment and made my way back home.  On my way home, however, I stumbled upon a pack of wolves.  Thankfully, they ignored me as I was in no condition for a battle.  A few of them seemed to be friendly towards me.  If only I could find a way to tame these creatures.

I must know more about this place, I cannot go home just yet.  This land is full of mysteries and you know I cannot turn my back on them.  Forgive me my dear, I must stay a while longer.

Eternally yours,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Letter 2: Survival

My Dear Cynthia,

It has been several days since my last letter.  There seems to be plenty of livestock in the area but I have found no signs of other people here.  There is a vast desert-like region to the south, which is very odd considering it is directly adjacent to the rainforest.  I wanted to explore further but first I decided to construct a large tower of sand near my home.  This serves a dual purpose.  Firstly, it serves as a beacon for any passing ships to alert them of my presence.  Secondly, it can serve as a beacon for myself if I should get lost.  I must say I felt rather accomplished once I had completed the tower.  It provided me with a much needed distraction from my plight.  I may have spent more time on it than I originally intended.

But once I had finished, I wasted little time in exploring the region to the west.  There I found a rather large entrance into a cave.  I could still hear the groans of the creatures that had come out from the previous night.  Thankfully, I was safe on higher ground as I looked down at the monstrous beings.  The most common one looked human but had green decaying skin and dilapidated clothing.  As it stepped out into the sunlight it immediately burst into flames.  As it ran in circles around my position, looking up at me and growling madly, I noticed that it would catch fire only when in contact with direct sunlight.  Eventually, the creature burned to death leaving just one other beast in the cavern.

This one was also green but did not look human.  It had no arms and its legs were incredibly small.  It seemed to hop about and had a foul expression on its face.  As I moved to get a closer look from my ledge, something terrible happened.  My foot slipped and I fell into the depths of the cavern and landed next to the creature.  Almost instantly, it exploded but I managed to survive the blast.  Once I had regained my composure I decided to study my surroundings.  While the ground above was dirt and grass, down here I mostly saw stone and gravel.  I gathered as much as I could carry to take back to my home.  The stone may come in handy for crafting weapons to use against these beasts if I am to survive much longer.

The next morning as I awoke, my heart sank as I heard a familiar hopping sound outside my hut.  As I looked outside my makeshift door, I saw it standing there.  The green creature hopped excitedly at my door as it slowly turned white and pulsed with energy.  I took cover as it perished in a fiery explosion, taking half of my hut along with it.  Do not worry my dear, I was luckily not injured by the blast.  Perhaps the gods are watching over me after all, perhaps this is all some sort of test.  I have started rebuilding my home using stone this time for better durability.  I will need to investigate the caves further to see what other resources I may find there...

Eternally yours,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Letter 1: Stranded

My Dear Cynthia,

I write to you in hopes that these letters will one day find their way into your hands.  My ship was attacked at sea by an unknown assailant. The ship was destroyed and I am now stranded in a strange land.  I washed ashore unconscious on a beach adjacent to a dense rainforest.  As I awoke, strange noises pierced the cool air.  I felt a chill run down my spine and I knew something was coming.  Quickly, I created a makeshift hut from the dirt as shelter for the night.

Minutes seemed like hours as I waited inside with baited breathe. I heard footsteps and monstrous growls.  After what seemed like days, daylight slowly creeped into the hut from a hole in the ceiling.  I cautiously made an opening to look outside and I was stunned by the sight.  There were several creatures, each more horrifying than the next.  Some of them were on fire and groaning in agony as if scorched by the light of the rising sun.

I waited inside a while longer until the landscape was once again barren, save for a few cows that managed to survive the night.  At least I won't starve here.  I would do anything to be back home with you, my dear.  But before I can make my way back, I must first find out where I am.

Eternally yours,